2022-2023 After-School Program Information
The Annual Membership Fee for all Club members is $50. This is a one-time fee that covers the entire school year. It also covers attendance for extended openings such as fall and spring breaks, student holidays, early release, etc.
The Club is open from 2 to 7 p.m. Club members should be picked up by 7 p.m. as the Club closes promptly at that time.
Parents/guardians/caregivers of children in ALL grade levels (including middle and high school) are expected to come inside the Club to check out their child. Separate sign-out sheets will be provided (one for elementary and one for teens) where parents should print their name, sign, and write the time of pickup.
If someone other than a parent/guardian/caregiver or authorized individual will be picking up a Club member, the parent/guardian/caregiver is expected to call the Club and inform a staff member. Upon entering the Club, the person picking up the child will be asked to present identification. This is for the safety of Club members, and we thank you for your cooperation.
The Club is not responsible for lost, stolen, misplaced, or damaged personal property. Club members are encouraged to leave personal items, especially cell phones and other electronics, at home.
Club members are not allowed to have cell phones out during the after-school program. If you need to get in touch with your child, please call the front office at 770-307-1399.
Snacks are provided every afternoon. Children can also bring snacks, and vending machines are available. Snacks are $1 and drinks are $1.25.
Due to a limited number of water fountains, children are encouraged to bring water bottles.
Snacks should only be eaten in the gym during the designated snack time.
If Barrow County Schools is closed due to inclement weather, the Boys & Girls Club of Winder-Barrow County will also be closed.
Should Barrow County Schools close early due to inclement weather, the Club will be closed. Please make arrangements with your child’s school to have them transported home or elsewhere.
Should inclement weather occur during Club operating hours, we will begin contacting you immediately to pick your child. We will then begin procedures to close the facility.
Email office@winderbarrowbgc.com.